Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kendele Update

Kendele's surgery will still be on the 7th but they will now do the tests on the 6th.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hall Family Picnic April 20th

I will order a sub. I need to know this Friday who is coming so please let me know if you and your family will be there. I have to order the sub on Saturday morning.
Aunt Pam is bringing beans, Grandma is bringing ice cream.
You bring something to share and your own drinks.

It is at the park by our house Monday at 5:30pm.
Love ya,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Kendele's surgery

Lanie called, she just received a call from Kendele's doctors and they have scheduled Kendele's surgery for Thursday, May 7th.